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Spaceships are the vessels piloted by the players in Helium Rain. Ships have generators, radiators, weapons, engines, cargo bays or life support systems - they all work together. Every thruster on a ship plays a role. Most of the ships have more than thirty individual parts to target. Players can customize their ship to enhance their performance or change their visual look.

List of spaceships[ | ]

There are 2 categories of spaceships: the class S (for small) ships like fighter or bomber and the class L (for large) ships like cruiser or destroyer. Each category have a distinct list of upgrade (engine, weapons, etc), a separate production line in shipyards and different controls.

Spaceships may be civilian or military. Civilian spaceships have a cargo bay and military spaceship have weapon slot (for S) or turret slot (for L).


An Orca fighter in ship menu.

Military Class S spaceships[ | ]

Name Code Weapon slot Engine count Production duration Credit cost Steel cost Plastic cost Tools cost Fuel cost
Ghoul GHO 2 2 12 days 1500 100 80 50 150
Orca ORC 4 4 24 days 2500 200 160 100 250
Phalanx PHX 6 4 32 days 3500 300 200 120 300

A Solen cargo idle in space.

Civilian Class S spaceships[ | ]

Name Code Cargo bay size Cargo bay count Engine count Production duration Credit cost Steel cost Plastic cost Tools cost Fuel cost
Solen SLN 50 2 1 8 days 1000 40 30 20 100
Omen OME 200 2 1 20 days 1500 100 80 20 200

An Invader cruiser patrolling in Nema orbit.

Military Class L spaceships[ | ]

Name Code Turret slot Pod count Production duration Credit cost Steel cost Plastic cost Tools cost Fuel cost
Dragon DRA 2 2 69 days 6000 500 400 250 600
Kami KAM 3 3 85 days 8000 750 600 400 600
Invader INV 4 4 101 days 10000 1000 800 500 1000
Leviathan LEV 6 4 133 days 15000 1500 1200 750 1500
Anubis ANB 9 4 133 days 25000 2500 2000 1250 2500

An Atlas heavy cargo docking at Miner's Home

Civilian Class L spaceships[ | ]

Name Code Cargo bay size Cargo bay count Pod count Production duration Credit cost Steel cost Plastic cost Tools cost Fuel cost
Sphinx SPX 400 4 1 69 days 4000 300 200 150 500
Themis TMS 1000 6 1 53 days 6000 600 480 300 600
Atlas ATL 2000 8 2 93 days 10000 1000 800 500 1000

Purchasing spaceships[ | ]

Spaceships can be found at the shipyard, a huge station encountered in some busy sectors. Players must be at peace with the shipyard's owner to do any purchases. To do the purchase, one must go to the "Details" menu and click one of the buttons to order either small or large ships. Once the production price has been paid, the player must wait for their construction to end. The progress can be seen through the same menu.

If there is currently a ship of the same production line in production, one must wait for that task to end before their ship's production begins.

There are two other reasons a ship production might not start:

  • If the company owning the shipyard has not enough money (this happens only to ships it builds for itself, not ships ordered by a third party)
  • If the shipyard doesn't have the resources needed to build the ship in its cargo bay (one can help it to get them by selling missing resources to the station)

Building ships becomes more straightforward once the player aquires their own shipyard.
